1799 Pennsylvania St. (Denver)

Redevelopment Project
A Multi-Generational, Family-Centered, Service-Enriched Community:
The Redevelopment of 1799 Pennsylvania Street in Denver

Housing is integral to health and well-being. Despite this importance, housing costs have out-paced income and many communities throughout the state lack truly affordable housing options. Indeed, 82% of respondents to the 2023 Pulse Poll say that the cost of housing is a serious problem, and we know that it disproportionately affects people of color and people living on low incomes.

This crisis calls for action. To address the critical need for affordable housing in our own neighborhood, The Colorado Health Foundation purchased the property across the street from our headquarters on Pennsylvania Street (1799 Pennsylvania Street - formerly Mountain States Employers Council). We aim to redevelop the property with community well-being at the heart of all decisions and in line with our mission and cornerstones.

To that end, we, along with our partner for this project Urban Ventures, LLC, have talked with individuals with lived experiences, staff from nonprofit social service organizations, representatives from neighborhood associations and from municipal and state housing agencies, and community developers. Overwhelmingly, these stakeholders have stressed the need for affordable and supportive family housing in central Denver.

In response to this need, this land will be redeveloped into a multi-generational, family-centered, service-enriched community that supports inclusivity, belonging and economic opportunity. Our vision for the development includes affordable family housing for rent and sale and affordable housing for seniors, along with services and supports for residents such as:

  • Resources for training, employment and entrepreneurship
  • Financial education
  • Physical, mental and dental health care
  • Childcare and after-school programs
  • Programs for teens and young adults
  • Multi-generational outdoor spaces
  • Education classes
  • Spaces for cultural expression and community gathering
  • Food access

We expect demolition of the current structures on the site to begin in the second quarter of this year (2024). We are also developing an RFQ to identify development partners. Tentatively, phased construction of the site will be completed in 2028. We will continue engaging community stakeholders to ensure neighbors are kept informed of the construction timeline.  

Once completed, the Foundation will not own or operate the buildings or associated programming at the site and will focus on ensuring that the site remains affordable for generations.  


  • Members of news media, please contact David Proper at 303-953-3681
  • Neighborhood organizations and other community stakeholders, please contact Susan Powers of Urban Ventures at 303-446-0761
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